Sunday, May 6, 2018

2018 Spirit Challenge - Last two days!

I did it! It was definitely challenging but I did it!☺️ 

And thanks to all my lovely sponsors, I achieved my fundraising goal! I'm even among the top fundraisers! :)

We are inching ever closer to success in our overall goal. There is still time to donate if you wish! (We are currently at 91% - $114,351 towards $125,000)

To see more photos and videos, click here. I will update this album in the next few days with photos from the last couple of days.

Day 6 (Friday) was our performance day. I got to the dojo a little later than I expected because I was able to reconnect with an old friend. I had a very moving phone conversation that confirmed the goodness and beauty than can exist when people conquer their fears, reach out, ask for forgiveness and clear up misunderstandings. I dedicated the last two days of this spirit challenge to this dear person.

Senpai Pat B. had chosen the song "That Side of the Moon" by Tret Fure for a group kata presentation. It went pretty well. There were also beautiful demonstrations of partner work, other kata and Kajukembo (the first martial art of Jun Shihan Sarah) pieces.

The most challenging part of the evening for me was the board breaking. I was thinking of Senpai Hope and Senpai JJ and all the people fighting cancer and other illnesses and dedicating my spirit challenge to them as I tried to break three boards with three different techniques. Sometimes they break and sometimes they don't. Those three boards did not break. I sat down to ice my hand and I was feeling ok - I mean that's life, right? Things don't always work out the way you want them to. Then Sei Shihan Nancy very sweetly came over and offered to help me break some boards and so I did end up breaking two. All in all it was a great learning experience!

Day 7 (Saturday) was the most challenging day of all! I woke up, had breakfast, biked to yoga, took a very challenging Advanced Yoga class, meditated for a half hour, and then biked to the dojo just in time for the Punch and Kick-a-thon! Talk about a challenge! We did 1000 kicks and 1000 punches!!! I could have participated in Sei Shihan Nancy's bo workout, but I wisely took a break, had some food and served as photographer for that session. Then I helped coach and hold boards for the color belt and junior black belt students. They all broke boards and we had a lot of fun. And then it was time for the last event of the 2018 Spirit Challenges: sparring. 25 grueling rounds. I was drenched in sweat but happy at the end. I did it! I took a shower and then biked to a friend's house for a delicious dinner and celebration with other Spirit Challenge participants. I am truly lucky to have so many wonderful supporters and loved ones in my life.

Thursday, May 3, 2018

2018 Spirit Challenge - Day 4 and Day 5

Ah, yes, teaching full-time and going to the dojo every night is making me a bit more tired than usual.

Day 4: My lovely parents came to watch the Black Belt Kata Endurance event! They usually come to see one or two of my Spirit Challenge evenings and I was so, so happy to see them! The Kata workout was very challenging and lots of fun. Jun Shihan Sarah created a wonderful event. Prior to that was a great joint locks seminar taught by Sei Shihan Nancy. I learned to use my energy and my center to connect with my partners and apply various joint locks in a different way than I usually do.

Day 5: Today is a Thursday and on Thursdays I lead a meditation group for staff at school. I leave my house around 6:00 AM instead of my usual 6:35ish. Then I had a good day with my classes. I had brought my dojo bag with me with a change of clothes but had forgotten my nunchucks, so I drove home to pick them up and used the extra time at home to iron my gi pants and jackets. 

Then I went to the dojo and practiced lots of rolls and falls - or as Sensei Alan says, relaxing to the ground with control! It was fun, but my body is already letting me know about it!

After that Sifu Sarah led a wonderful nunchucks workshop. I had take a similar workshop with her many years ago, but had not practiced them lately. It was fun and challenging to try to come anywhere near the grace and elegance with which she moves.

All in all, these Spirit Challenge events have been absolutely fantastic. And we are getting closer and closer to achieving our overall fundraising goal. We have around $20,000 left to raise. If you would still like to donate, it is not too late! Here is the link. And here is a link to lots of 2018 Spirit Challenge photos!

Wednesday, May 2, 2018

2018 Spirit Challenge - Day 3!

Day 3 Update:

Biked to the dojo. Worked hard and sweated buckets during Sensei Alan's challenging boxing conditioning workout. Then settled and breathed and just tried to be in the present moment during Sei Shihan Nancy's meditation class. It was a great way to end a beautiful evening. Biked home. Osu!

Monday, April 30, 2018

More Day 2 Photos

2018 Spirit Challenge - Day 2!

Day 2 Spirit Challenge Update:

Biked to dojo in lovely weather. Sparred challenging and fun rounds with great partners. Biked home in still wonderful weather. I’m one lucky karateka! Osu! PS - It’s not too late to donate!

Sunday, April 29, 2018

2018 Spirit Challenge - First Day!

My 2018 Spirit Challenge is dedicated to the memory of two wonderful women we lost this year:

Senpai Hope Robinson and Senpai JJ Asher

Photo credit: Keri Lynch 
Photo credit: Senpai Madelyn Roman

Sunday, April 30, 2017

2017 Spirit Challenge Dedication

We all have challenges to our spirit at different points in our lives. These past few months have been especially challenging for the family of a dear friend and coworker from my school (East Leyden High School in Franklin Park). I am dedicating my 2017 Spirit Challenge to Anita Habura and to her family. Anita passed away a couple of weeks ago after fighting hard against cancer. She was a bright, loving, laughing light. All who knew her miss her very much.


So today, I will give my all in her honor during the events of the first day.

  • 9:30 AM - 10:45 AM: Fitness Circuit Challenge - Lots of abs, squats, push-ups, lunges, etc.!
  • 11:00 AM - 12:15 PM: Board Breaking - Since this event is repeated on the last day of Spirit Challenge, I will hold and assist during this session. Next Saturday, I will break five boards dedicated to Anita and to her family.
  • 12:30 PM - 1:30 PM: Rehearsal for Friday’s performance piece - I am so lucky to be able to perform in a piece written by Senpai Margarita. She has been through a major personal Spirit Challenge: two heart surgeries and then a heart transplant last February. She will recite a poem that she wrote and we will perform kata.
  • 2:00 PM - 3:15 PM: Light/Middleweight Sparring
  • 3:30 PM - 4:45 PM: Yoga

As always, if you have any desire to see any of the events, you are welcome to attend! They are all held at Thousand Waves, 1220 W. Belmont, Chicago. See below for the full schedule of the week, but here are a couple of highlights: the performance on Friday from 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM and the Board Breaking next Saturday from 2:00 PM - 3:15 PM.

Besides participating in these events this week, I will also be teaching high school every day and preparing for my Nidan (second degree black belt) test in June. In fact, when you see pictures of me during this Spirit Challenge, you may notice that I’m wearing a white belt. During the month before testing for black belt rank promotion, the tradition is to put on our old white belts. This represents “beginner’s mind” - going back to the basics and remembering why we chose to become martial artists in the first place.

As always, I thank each and every one of you for your continued love and support. I would not be here without you!

Peace, love and Osu (Striving with patience)!

2017 SC Schedule.JPG 2017 SC Event Descriptions.JPG

Peace, love and Osu (Striving with patience)!